Service Details


Online Fin Fan Cleaning (External)

We Provides On-Line Dry Chemical Cleaning of Air Coolers (Tube External)– forced & induced draft, while its in operation.

Key Benefits

Ø Energy Saving – reduced fuel consumption

Ø Increased Production

Ø Reduced Emission / Pollution during operation

Ø Increased Safety Measures – improved inspection

Ø Conduct On-Line during normal operating conditions, no need to shutdown the equipment

Ø Removal of the fouling from the entire air cooler bundles, thereby

Ø increasing heat transfer, output temperature and minimizing operating energy consumption.

Ø No Scaffolding

Ø No water

Ø No dry-Ice (thermal shock)

Ø No foam

Ø No cleanup or disposal requirements

Ø No harmful chemicals (no environmental impact)

Ø No damage to the fins